Fiber Lowers Prostate Cancer

Fiber Lowers Prostate Cancer

MILAN, Italy--New research published in the March 20 edition of the International Journal of Cancer (109, 2:278-280, 2004) ( shows vegetable fiber may lower the incidence of prostate cancer. Researchers noted this is the first study to look into fiber’s role in prostate cancer.In an 11-year multicenter case-control study, researchers investigated 1,294 men with incident, histologically confirmed prostate cancer and 1,451 controls with acute nonmalignant conditions. They found the risk for prostate cancer was inversely related with soluble fiber, cellulose and vegetable fiber, with vegetable fiber seen as the most protective--men who consumed the highest amount of vegetables were 18-percent less likely to develop prostate cancer than those who ate the least amount of vegetables. These relationships were consistent across all ages, family histories of prostate cancer, body mass indexes and education.

According to a Reuter’s write-up, study researchers reported that because vegetables were seen to provide the most benefits of all the fibers investigated, it may be possible that some of their other nutrients could be the reason behind their prostate benefits.

These abstracts provided courtesy of Natural Products Industry Insider, published by Virgo Publishing Inc.

While four out of five older adults have a chronic health condition and many experience limitations in activities as a result, substantial and growing evidence indicates much can be done to delay progression and lessen risk factors.

For instance, the most common joint disease in humans, osteoarthritis is a universal affliction: virtually everyone who lives past age 75 has it to some degree.

In osteoarthritis the production of glucosamine, which is vitally important in maintaining healthy, flexible joints, takes a downturn. Fortunately it can be replaced by glucosamine supplements. More than 20 years of research in humans, including controlled trials and reports from physicians, indicates that glucosamine effectively decreases joint pain and improves joint mobility.

Glucosamine has another related benefit in addition to supporting health of joints and tissues. It also functions as an anti-inflammatory. Studies of glucosamine’s anti-inflammatory properties suggest that it may treat two common types of arthritis, gonarthritis and osteoarthritis

Calcium has received much attention for its role in supporting bone health, particularly in postmenopausal women. Although research suggests that calcium can slow, but not completely stop, the progression of osteoporosis, its importance for maintaining strong, healthy bones and slowing bone loss cannot be overstated. Studies have suggested that during perimenopause calcium absorption decreases and thus calcium supplements are a prudent dietary measure during menopause.

Calcium is also necessary for a wide array of other functions, such as initiating muscle contractions. For this reason it plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy heartbeat. On the cellular level, calcium regulates the passage of nutrients and wastes through cell membranes. It also regulates the transmission of nerve impulses.

To learn more about these dietary supplements and others, including research citations, information on basic use, dosage, and contraindications, written in layman’s terms, visit the DSIB Web site at Finding the information is as easy as clicking on the name of a supplement or condition.

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